Your satisfaction is our priority. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us for exchange, return, or replacement options.
You have 30 days from the date of purchase to make sure what you ordered from Adrenalised is right for you. You have the option to return your order for a refund, store credit, or exchange it for the right size. The product must be brand new and with the original tags or packaging. You are responsible for return shipping and any damage that might occur on the way back so make sure you pack it with LOVE like we do. We will return/refund the full amount you paid less the original shipping cost once we receive the returned item.
The easiest way to exchange your new, unused item is to initiate a return and place a new order through our website. This will allow you to get your new item quickly and avoid the risk of it selling out. You will receive a full refund (minus the cost of any Adrenalised supplied shipping labels) for your item once we receive the return. Feel free to give us a call to set up your exchange or answer any questions.
A warranty claim is initiated by emailing a digital photo of the damaged gear, description of the damage, how the damage occurred, the product’s serial number, and your original invoice to All merchandise returned for warranty replacement or repairs must bear a Case Number (CAS#) which the Customer Service Department will issue you, on the outside of the package and on the invoice. Warranty returns without CAS#s will not be accepted. You are responsible for shipping charges for returned product.
Refunds can only be processed back to the original payment method used. Should the original payment method no longer be valid for any reason, we will issue an Adrenalised gift card. It usually takes 3-5 business days to process your return and issue your refund once we receive and inspect your return. However, it can take longer, especially over the holidays.
Guests will be eligible for a FULL refund in the event of bad weather or unsafe ocean conditions, resulting in Adrenalised cancelling the service and should they not be able to rebook due to pre-existing travel commitments.
50% Of the total cost of the experience / course / lesson will be charged for any confirmed booking if cancelled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled time. The total cost of the booking will be charged if cancelled less than 48 hours before the scheduled departure time.
For all 3rd party Experiences, should an experience be cancelled within 7 days of travel all refunds will exclude any 3rd party service fees.